Tuesday, February 01, 2005

£15,000 offer to bright students (BBC News)

The University of Manchester is offering £1,000 per year for students with three A-level A grades.

And for such talented students from low-income families, there is a bursary of £5,000 per year.

There is also additional support available to students from low-income and local families - to help cover the increasing cost of higher education.

And for 10 extremely able students, the university is offering bursaries worth £10,000 per year.

Manchester University
University of Manchester: £5,000 per year for low-income, three A-level A-grade students
£1,000 per year for all students with three A-grades
£1,000 per year for students from low-income families
£2,000 for students from local access scheme
£10,000 per year for 10 "outstanding" students

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